7 Lessons on How To Get Rich
I Am A Kind Of Fortuneteller, Are You.
This is when you can feel and see in your own mind what is about to happen. Not only in your life but also in others, an overall “seeing” what is about to come into the reality, showing itself in front of you. However, you cannot grab it, it is just a feeling of amusement, and maybe you let it stop with this feeling. You do not know how to progress.
A Fortuneteller Can Attract Money
I have taught myself to trust me as a fortuneteller. I ask you; who are better to know, what you want in life. That is right it is you so now you can start trusting you as your own fortuneteller when you create your life and attract money. You as your own fortuneteller are now going to attract money. The money you attract is coming into reality from your rich dream.
It Is a Great Advantage Seeing What is Coming And Accepting It.
I think this has been for me a great advantage that I know what is coming, I feel and I see what is right. I express myself, I say what is on my mind and what my subconscious mind tells me, shows me like in an act playing in my mind, this will come to you now. This “is created” in your life, you have created it, it will come to you. Do you want it? Alternatively, do you have to change it?
A Great Advice to You Now from me Anders Jacobsson
Keep everything that you want for yourself. Do not ever tell anyone what your wishes are and how they "are shown" in front of you, like signs or feeling, do not! When you have a rich dream, this is a reminder what to expect.
Now I will tell you why. In my experience as "fortuneteller", I have realized, if I keep my "constructions of wishes and great thoughts" to myself all the time until the very moment that my created thoughts has come true in some parts then everything happens all by itself.
I know because I practice this. Doing this, does not mean that you are keeping secrets from others, no, it is you who are creating your own life, and the very best is, when it is done this way, it is always for the very best of others too.
You cannot go wrong. Try a small thing. Start at that position.
7 Lessons
Today You can Receive 7 Beautiful Lessons from Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, and Michael Beckwith the Master Teachers of the Secret and the World’s Most Acclaimed Experts on the Law of Attraction.
This 7 Beautiful Lessons opens your mind into a wider life and your millions in true potential.
Anders Jacobsson and my teaching in short
I have been teaching in many years on the subject of getting to know yourselft better, and finding the tools to understand how things in life are approaching and how to handle different matters needed to take care of and at the same time having the trust. I beleive knowing more about yourself is a good way to understand how to become a millionaire. Using this 7 lessons to attract money will get you on the track and learn how to get rich.
Watch What You Can Become:
Dr Beckwith
Bob Proctor
I would very much like to let you learn more about the Science of Getting Rich – Know The Science - Get Your 7 Lessons:
7 Lessons, Go Deeper and Learn More … A Requirement for Anyone who has Studied the Law of Attraction
Anders Jacobsson
Business Manager
More Clarifying Moments Of Knowledge For You: "The Science of Getting Rich" and Some New Aspects.
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