Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Davids, The Weekly Life Review!

Me, Anders Jacobsson - I want You to listen to me and David talking.

David and Pure Reality.
A friend of mine, David, he says: "I want no more guessing, no more doubts, Just pure reality."
I am always expressing myself correctly, what I feel, and what I want. It is my pure reality. But...
Count Your Potential in Real Value!

You and I Have Dreams
I met David in our hometown, where we studied and lived a while ago. We talked about life in general, but David was coming back over and over again, to the days we had, being like 20.
We had dreams, we had experiences and we were full of life. Of course he asked me about my life? What has life been giving you, he asked?
I told him about my life, family, friends and such.

But as minutes went by, we talked about having taking care of our family and children, and that this days were so wonderful with lots and lots of happy life, we had something in common.

Desires and Expectations
We were a little stuck, at that time when we met, between what we wanted in life, and what was expected from us.
The discussion went by, and You know when friends meet, it is liked walking through different phases, you know the usual stuff and we laugh. The positive energy is there growing and we both understood that we have missed each other very much.

Crucial Support
We were back in the old days, when supporting and helping each other was so obvious and you get so much back. This support is crucial, especially being young. Friends has eyes and ears, and they are helping out, whatever happens, and you give your help back. You know what I mean, sorrow and joy.

These days are crucial. It is a base to use to attract life later on. A kind of life initiation. Days just when things are waiting for you around the corner.

We agreed on, that we were more knowledgeable today and from the things we have created, given ourselves.

Change your life, Change your emotions
But soon we understood the we were stuck. We wanted more out of life. Kids were older, and so on, and now we wanted to study life. Yes, emotions, the feelings you have, in different situations and how it change your life. When young, emotions guides you more, habits are often strangers.


You can read all more int details at:

Davids, The "Weekly Life Review!"

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Talk Soon
Anders Jacobsson

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Are You Upset The Law Of Attraction Is Not Working For You Particularly In The Area Of Attracting Money?


I don’t know about you, but I seem to get the feeling that people are generally frustrated the Law of Attraction is not working consistently for them, ESPECIALLY in the area of wealth.

The Law of Attraction to Help

Sure, people have used the Law of Attraction to help them in many areas of life, from love and relationships to career to health. But wealth seems to be the area of priority for most people, and ironically, it also seems to be the area most people find least success in. It almost feels like there’s a correlation…

A scale of 1-10 on Your Focus on Wealth

I’m curious to see if I’ve somehow hit the nail on the head with this observed correlation, so I’ll be interested to know on a scale of 1-10, how much focus have you put into expanding your wealth by using the Law of Attraction? And, on a scale of 1-10, how successful have you been with the Law of Attraction to attract money into your life?

Just let me know in the comments. Cheers.

Create Your Wealth With Mathematical Certainty:


The “Wealth Attraction Equation” Webinar.

Anders Jacobsson
Wonders of Wealth

Let Me Know What You Think, ask questions.
Email at: info@sgr.andersjacobsson.com or comment below.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Change Your Emotions and Change Your Life

Self Miracle Is Your Intellectual Resolution Without Thinking

A self Miracle must be understood as an unstated. It is reached by you and acknowledged. Your understanding, works instinctively and equivalent with your ingenious. Change your being and it is doable the results may not be observed by you at all, as you are by now enjoying the life-changing moments.

Your “Survival Kit” For The Mind Is What Forces You Forward

Creative visualization and incentive is a key in understanding and are included in what I call “survival kit” for the heart and soul.

These are the parts in the “survival kit” and are shaping Your Self Miracle

1. Know that you are always loved
2. Assist others and you will find help yourself
3. Let everythingyou want have its time to come to you

When all the 3 parts mentioned above are working properly together your Self Miracle will be yours when looked-for.

Know That You Are Always Loved

No one can live without being loved. You can open your intelligence to others only to get the contact and learn for yourself.

Care for is, when studying it, a condition when everything is neutral. Nothing is hurting you; your spirit, not your body or your mind is hurt, in this neutralstate. You are reacting very calm. The real life is you.
This is when the energy, near you, is solid and firm and has no and has no power on you.

Now when the whole thing is “comfortable” the real you can make the life-changing decision – you are neutral! The right and exact information’s comes to you and you are living and impending your “Self Miracle.”

Help others and you will get help yourself

When helping others, you use your knowledge to get things quicker and easier done forever helping others. Your friends, your coworkers make days easier to live and get through when helping others.
If you do your work helping others, you will be cherished and “highly ranked.” You are going to feel better and you find that every day is your Self Miracle.

Let Everything You Want, Have Its Time to Move Towards You

“It is time for this to happen!” I believe that you have heard that before sometime. In my study and doing psychic readings I see that we are in so great hast in letting everything happen before it is at all a opportunity.

I say: “You have your own schedule for everything in life.” If you hurry yourself and push your life, then you fail to see the opportunity to live.

Is this easy and clear enough?

If you want your Self Miracle to come to you and expand –

• “Enjoy your steps in life.”
• “Be the witness of life.”
• “Find the very small sign of development that you get every day, and in real life that confirms your dreams or goals”

If you are very decisive knowing what you want, then life gives you everything.

Best of wishes
Anders Jacobsson

"How to Command and Master Your Emotions"
"Three Easy Steps To A Longer, Healthier And Happier Life"

at: http://andersvilhelm.wordpress.com/

Change Your Life And Find Your Self-Miracle:http://www.anders-video-review.com/selfmiracle.html

