I don’t know about you, but I seem to get the feeling that people are generally frustrated the Law of Attraction is not working consistently for them, ESPECIALLY in the area of wealth.
The Law of Attraction to Help
Sure, people have used the Law of Attraction to help them in many areas of life, from love and relationships to career to health. But wealth seems to be the area of priority for most people, and ironically, it also seems to be the area most people find least success in. It almost feels like there’s a correlation…
A scale of 1-10 on Your Focus on Wealth
I’m curious to see if I’ve somehow hit the nail on the head with this observed correlation, so I’ll be interested to know on a scale of 1-10, how much focus have you put into expanding your wealth by using the Law of Attraction? And, on a scale of 1-10, how successful have you been with the Law of Attraction to attract money into your life?
Just let me know in the comments. Cheers.

Create Your Wealth With Mathematical Certainty:
The “Wealth Attraction Equation” Webinar.
Anders Jacobsson
Wonders of Wealth
Let Me Know What You Think, ask questions.
Email at: info@sgr.andersjacobsson.com or comment below.
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